Michal DOUCHA: Combinatorial group theory in the metric setting ABSTRACT: There are two main ways how to define discrete groups. Either as the set of symmetries of some geometric object, or in terms of generators and relations they satisfy. The latter approach is studied by the classical combinatorial group theory. Our aim is to present some results that use methods of combinatorial group theory generalized into the setting of metric/topological groups. Researchers working with Polish groups usually only consider examples that are automorphisms of some topological or metric structure. We shall present some Polish metric groups that are constructed in terms of generators and metric inequalities these generators must satisfy. Namely, we present some universal Polish groups constructed in this way, whose existence had been open before, and the first example of a non-commutative uniform Banach group, i.e. a Banach space with an additional group structure which is uniformly continuous in the norm topology. Finally, we explain how this "metric combinatorial group theory" might be related to metric approximation of groups, a concept that is famous mainly because of notions such as sofic and hyperlinear groups.