Jerzy KAKOL On the separable quotient problem Abstract: One of the famous unsolved problems of functional analysis asks (Mazur's problem (1932)) if every (infinite-dimensional) Banach space E has an (infinite-dimensional) separable quotient. Many Banach spaces are known to have separable quotient, for example, reflexive Banach spaces, or even weakly compactly generated Banach spaces. Rosenthal (independently Lacey) proved that any Banach space C(X) has separable quotient. A general result of Saxon and Wilansky states that a Banach space E has separable quotient iff E contains a dense non-barrelled subspace. Later on, Saxon and Narayanaswami showed that every (LF)-space possesses separable quotient. In the first part we gather a few other problems from Banach space theory which are equivalent to the separable quotient problem and provide recent results due to Kakol, Saxon and Todd concerning the same problem but posed for spaces Cp(X) and Ck(X).