Wieslaw Kubis'
List of Publications
J. Kąkol, W. Kubiś, M. López-Pellicer,
Descriptive Topology in Selected Topics of Functional Analysis
Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 24,
Springer Science+Business Media, New York 2011, 493pp.
ISBN: 978-1-4614-0528-3
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0529-0
M. Doležal, W. Kubiś,
Categorical approach to graph limits
A. Bartoš, W. Kubiś, M. Džamonja,
Uncountable homogeneous structures
W. Kubiś, F.-V. Kuhlmann,
Chain union closures
W. Kubiś, A. Kucharski, S. Turek,
On generic topological embeddings
W. Kubiś,
Universal monoid actions: the power of freedom
W. Kubiś, Ch. Pech, M. Pech,
Homogeneous ultrametric structures
S. Geschke, S. Głąb, W. Kubiś,
Evolutions of finite graphs
A. Bartoš, W. Kubiś,
Hereditarily indecomposable continua as generic mathematical structures
W. Kubiś, P. Nowakowski, T. Rzepecki,
Homogeneity of abstract linear spaces
W. Kubiś, P. Radecka,
Abstract evolution systems
W. Kubiś, J. Morawiec, T. Zürcher,
Monotone mappings and lines
W. Kubiś, B. Kuzeljević,
Uniform homogeneity
W. Kubiś,
Categories with norms
W. Kubiś,
Compact spaces, lattices, and absoluteness: a survey
W. Kubiś, K. Pszczoła,
Dualities between finitely separated structures
W. Kubiś,
Metric-enriched categories and approximate Fraïssé limits
Papers published or accepted for a publication:
W. Kubiś, R. Miculescu, A. Mihail, M. Nowak,
On the connectivity of graph Lipscomb's space, to appear in Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
A. Bartoš, T. Bice, K. Dasilva Barbosa, W. Kubiś,
The weak Ramsey property and extreme amenability, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 12 (2024), e96
C. Bargetz, A. Bartoš, W. Kubiś, F. Luggin,
Homogeneous isosceles-free spaces,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas, Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 118 (2024) Article number: 118
T. Bice, W. Kubiś,
Lattice-Free and Point-Free: Vickers Duality for Subbases of Stably Locally Compact Spaces,
Theoretical Computer Science 960 (2023), Article number: 113895
W. Kubiś, P. Szeptycki,
On a topological Ramsey Theorem, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 66 (2023) 156--165 [DOI:10.4153/S0008439522000170]
R. Bonnet, W. Kubiś, S. Todorčević,
Ultrafilter selection and Corson compacta,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 116 (2022), Article number: 178
T. Bice, W. Kubiś,
Wallman duality for semilattice subbases, Houston Journal of Mathematics 48 (2022) 1--31
A. Krawczyk, A. Kruckman, W. Kubiś, A. Panagiotopoulos,
Examples of weak amalgamation classes, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (2022) 178--188
T. Banakh, R. Bonnet, W. Kubiś,
Vietoris hyperspaces of scattered Priestley spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics 249 (2022) 37--81
W. Kubiś,
Weak Fraisse categories, Theory and Applications of Categories
Vol. 38, 2022, No. 2, 27--63
A. Krawczyk, W. Kubiś,
Games on finitely generated structures, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (2021), no. 10, Paper No. 103016, 13 pp.
W. Kubiś, S. Shelah,
Homogeneous structures with non-universal automorphism groups, Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2020) 817--827
J. Garbulińska-Węgrzyn, W. Kubiś,
A note on universal operators between separable Banach spaces,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 114 (2020), Article number: 148
S. Ghasemi, W. Kubiś,
Universal AF-algebras,
Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (2020) 108590
W. Bielas, W. Kubiś, M. Walczyńska,
Homogeneous probability measures on the Cantor set,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 479 (2019) 2076--2089
W. Kubiś, F.-V. Kuhlmann,
Chain intersection closures, Topology and its Applications 262 (2019) 11--19
W. Kubiś,
Game-theoretic characterization of the Gurarii space, Archiv der Mathematik 110 (2018) 53--59
B. Skowron, W. Kubiś,
Negating as turning upside down,
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 54 (2018) 115--129
W. Kubiś, A. Kwiatkowska,
The Lelek fan and the Poulsen simplex as Fraissé limits,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 111 (2017) 967--981
W. Kubiś, D. Mašulović,
Katìtov functors, Applied Categorical Structures 25 (2017) 569--602
J. Kąkol, W. Kubiś, A. Kubzdela,
On non-archimedean Gurarii spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 450 (2017) 969--981
C. Bargetz, J. Kąkol, W. Kubiś,
A separable Fréchet space of almost universal disposition, Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (2017) 1876--1891
M. Doležal, W. Kubiś,
Perfect independent sets with respect to infinitely many relations, Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (2016) 847--856
W. Kubiś,
Banach-Mazur game played in partially ordered sets,
Banach Center Publications 108 (2016) 151--160
T. Banakh, W. Kubiś, N. Novosad, M. Nowak, F. Strobin,
Contractive function systems, their attractors and metrization,
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 46 (2015) 1029--1066
S. Gabriyelyan, J. Kąkol, W. Kubiś, W. Marciszewski,
Networks for the weak topology of Banach and Fréchet spaces,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 432 (2015) 1183--1199
J. Garbulińska-Węgrzyn, W. Kubiś,
A universal operator on the Gurarii space,
Journal of Operator Theory 73 (2015) 143--158
- W. Kubiś, Injective objects and retracts of Fraïssé limits,
Forum Math. 27 (2015) 807--842
- W. Kubiś, Fraïssé sequences: category-theoretic approach to universal homogeneous structures,
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 165 (2014) 1755--1811
F. Cabello Sánchez, J. Garbulińska-Węgrzyn, W. Kubiś,
Quasi-Banach spaces of almost universal disposition,
Journal of Functional Analysis 267 (2014) 744--771
T. Banakh, R. Bonnet, W. Kubiś,
Means on scattered compacta,
Topological Algebra and Applications 2 (2014) 5--10
W. Kubiś, A. Kucharski, S. Turek,
Parovièenko spaces with structures,
(Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat.)
108 (2014) 989--1004
W. Kubiś, A. Moltó, S. Troyanski,
Topological properties of the continuous function spaces on some ordered compacta,
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 21 (2013) 649--659
W. Kubiś, S. Solecki, A proof of uniqueness of the Gurarii space,
Israel J. Math. 195 (2013), no. 1, 449--456
J. Ferrer, P. Koszmider, W. Kubiś,
Almost disjoint families of countable sets and separable complementation properties,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 401 (2013), no. 2, 939--949
- W. Kubiś, B. Vejnar, Covering an uncountable square by countably many continuous functions,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), no. 12, 4359--4368
- J. Garbulińska, W. Kubiś, Remarks on Gurarii spaces,
Extracta Math.
26(2) (2011/2012) 235--269
- O. Kalenda, W. Kubiś, Complementation in spaces of continuous functions on compact lines,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 (2012) 241--257
- W. Kubiś, S. Turek, A decomposition theorem for compact groups with
application to supercompactness, Cent. European J. Math. 9 (2011) 593--602
- W. Kubiś, A. Moltó, Finitely fibered Rosenthal compacta and trees,
(Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat.)
105 (2011) 23--37
- O. Kalenda, W. Kubiś, The structure of Valdivia compact lines, Topology Appl. 157 (2010) 1142--1151
- W. Kubiś, M. Rubin, Extension theorems and reconstruction theorems for the Urysohn
Universal Space, Czechoslovak Math. J. 60 (2010) 1--29
- W. Kubiś, Banach spaces with projectional skeletons, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 350 (2009) 758--776
- R. Bonnet, L. Faouzi, W. Kubiś, Free Boolean algebras over unions of two well orderings,
Topology Appl. 156 (2009) 1177--1185
- W. Kubiś, Valdivia compact Abelian groups, RACSAM
(Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat.) Vol. 102/2 (2008) 193--197
- U. Abraham, R. Bonnet, W. Kubiś, Free Boolean algebras over well quasi-ordered posets, Algebra Universalis 58, No. 3, (2008) 263--286
- W. Kubiś, K. Sakai, Hausdorff hyperspaces of Rm and their dense subspaces,
J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 60, No. 1 (2008) 193--217
- W. Kubiś, Linearly ordered compacta and Banach spaces
with a projectional resolution of the identity, Topology Appl. Vol. 154, No. 3 (2007) 749--757
- M. Burke, W. Kubiś, S. Todorčević, Kadec norms on spaces of
continuous functions, Serdica Math. J. 32, Nos. 2-3 (2006), 227--258
- W. Kubiś, Compact spaces generated by retractions, Topology Appl. Vol. 153, No. 18 (2006) 3383--3396
- W. Kubiś, H. Michalewski, Small Valdivia compact spaces,
Topology Appl. Vol. 153, No. 14 (2006) 2560--2573
- W. Kubiś, O. Okunev, P. Szeptycki, On some classes of Lindelof Sigma-spaces,
Topology Appl. Vol. 153, No. 14 (2006) 2574--2590
- W. Kubiś, V. Uspenskij, A compact group which is not Valdivia
compact, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), No. 8, 2483--2487
- W. Kubiś, K. Sakai and M. Yaguchi,
Hyperspaces of Separable Banach Spaces with the Wijsman topology,
Topology Appl. 148 (2005), no. 1-3, 7--32
- W. Kubiś, A. Leiderman, Semi-Eberlein compact spaces, Topology Proc. 28
(2004), No. 2, 603--616
- M. Kojman, W. Kubiś, S. Shelah, On two problems of Erdõs and Hechler: new methods in singular madness, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 11, 3357--3365
- U. Abraham, R. Bonnet, W. Kubiś, M. Rubin, On poset Boolean algebras, Order 20 (2003), no. 3, 265--290
- C. Costantini, W. Kubiś, Paths in hyperspaces, Appl.
Gen. Topol. 4 (2003), no. 2, 377--390
- W. Kubiś, Complete metric absolute neighborhood retracts, Topology Appl.
132 (2003), no. 3, 251--259
- W. Kubiś, S. Shelah, Analytic colorings, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 121 (2003), no. 2-3, 145--161
- W. Kubiś, Perfect cliques and $G_\delta$ colorings of Polish spaces,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 619--623
- S. Geschke, M. Kojman, W. Kubiś, R. Schipperus, Convex decompositions
in the plane and continuous pair colorings of the irrationals,
Israel J. Math. 131 (2002), 285--317
- W. Kubiś, Separation properties of convexity spaces, J. Geom. 74 (2002), no. 1-2, 110--119
- W. Kubiś, A sandwich theorem for convexity preserving maps, Tatra Mt.
Math. Publ. 24 (2002), part II, 125--131
- W. Kubiś, A. Kucharski, Convexity structures in zero-dimensional compact
spaces, Math. Pann.
vol.12/2 (2001) 177--183
- W. Kubiś, A characterization of complete Boolean algebras, Bull.
Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 49 (2001) 91--95
- W. Kubiś, Extension theorems in axiomatic theory of convexity, Bull.
Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 48 (2000) 89--96
- B. Kubiś, W. Kubiś, Fréchet type theorem and its applications to
multifunctions, Bull. Polish Acad.
Sci. Math. 48 (2000) 165--170
- W. Kubiś, Extension criterion for continuous convexity preserving
maps, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 19 (2000) 167--175
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