The organisers are Kevin Beanland, Tomasz Kania, and Niels Laustsen.


Session schedule

Monday 16 Aug: Operator ideals and applications

13.00-13.30: Hans-Olav Tylli: Closed ideals in the quotient algebra of compact-by-approximable operators

13.40-14.10: Pavlos Motakis: Spaces of continuous functions as Calkin algebras

14.20-14.50: Valentin Ferenczi: There is no largest proper operator ideal

Tuesday 17 Aug: Free Banach spaces

10.00-10.30: Marek Cúth: Lipschitz-free spaces - introduction and survey (video)

10.40-11.10: Michal Doucha: Approximation properties in Lipschitz-free spaces over groups (video)

11.20-11.50: Eva Pernecká: Functionals on Lipschitz spaces and measures (video)

Tuesday 17 Aug

13.00-13.30: Sanne ter Horst: Equivalence after extension and Schur coupling: Fredholm operators and beyond (video)

13.40-14.10: Bruno Braga: Coarse geometry of operator spaces (video)

14.20-14.50: Christina Brech: Isometries of combinatorial spaces (video)

Wednesday 18 Aug: Lp-operator algebras

13.00-13.30: Hannes Thiel: Rigidity results for Lp-operator algebras (video)

13.40-14.10: Chris Phillips: Homomorphisms from the algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space (video)

Thursday 19 Aug: Early Career session

13.00-13.30: Bence Horváth: Perturbations of surjective homomorphisms between algebras of operators on Banach spaces (video)

13.40-14.10: Max Arnott: Closed ideals of the algebra of bounded operators on a direct sum of classical Banach spaces, and the incompressibility of its quotient spaces (video)

14.20-14.50: Mary Angelica Tursi: Amalgamation and homogeneity in subclasses of Banach lattice (video)

Friday 20 Aug: Closed ideals of operators on classical Banach spaces

Joint title of the three talks: Banach spaces for which the space of operators has 2𝔠 closed ideals (video)

13.00-13.30: Thomas Schlumprecht

13.40-14.10: András Zsák

14.20-14.50: Dan Freeman

H. G. Dales' retirement event

On August 16th, the programme will include a morning of talks dedicated to celebrating the contributions to mathematical analysis of Garth Dales on the occasion of his retirement.

Garth Dales

Confirmed speakers

Matthew Daws (UCLan, Preston)

Niels J. Laustsen (Lancaster)

Jared White (Lancaster and Open University)

Event website

Confirmed speakers

Ideals & algebras of operators on Lp-spaces:

N. Christopher Phillips (Oregon)

Hannes Thiel (Dresden)

Lipschitz-free Banach spaces

Bruno Braga (Virginia)

Marek Cúth (Charles University, Prague)

Michal Doucha (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Eva Pernecká (Czech Technical University, Prague)

Closed ideals of operators on classical Banach spaces

Daniel Freeman (St Louis)

Thomas Schlumprecht (College Station)

András Zsák (Cambridge)

Operator ideals and applications:

Max Arnott (Lancaster)

Christina Brech (São Paulo)

Valentin Ferenczi (São Paulo)

Sanne ter Horst (North-West University, Mahikeng)

Bence Horváth (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Pavlos Motakis (York, Toronto)

Mary Angelica Tursi (Urbana-Champaign)

Hans-Olav Tylli (Helsinki)

For practical details

conerning the IWOTA 2021 conference (registration, financial support) please consult the main website.

Contact Us

Please contact the IWOTA conference team with any questions you may have via

Alternatively, contact the session organisers:

Kevin Beanland,
Tomasz Kania
Niels Jakob Laustsen.