The following code contains a formal proof of the Nielsen-Schreier theorem, written in Lean. Tell me in normal language what the statement of the theorem is and what is the key idea used in the proof.
The Nielsen-Schreier theorem states that a subgroup of a free group is itself a free group.
The key idea used in the proof is to construct an equivalence between the subgroup H and a vertex group of a free groupoid G. This allows transferring the freeness property from G to H.
Specifically, the proof does the following:
So in summary, the subgroup is realized as a vertex group of a covering space (the groupoid of elements). This vertex group is free, so the original subgroup must also be free.
OK, now I want us to have a Socratic dialogue where you will lead me in discovering the above proof by asking leading questions. You can assume that I have a background at the level of a beginning graduate course in abstract algebra. Start by asking me a question.
Okay, let's have a Socratic dialogue to walk through this proof. Since you have a background in abstract algebra, let's start with the basics:
What is a free group? How would you characterize free groups algebraically?
A free group is a group generated by a number of generators, with no relations between them.
Good! Algebraically, we can characterize free groups as follows:
A group F is free on a generating set S if there is a function ι : S → F such that for any group G and function f : S → G, there exists a unique homomorphism F → G extending f∘ι.
So free groups are universal objects defined by their generators. Now, if H is a subgroup of a free group F, what can we say about H? Does it have to be free as well?
I don't know, but we are trying to prove that H itself also must be free. I guess, to conclude that H is free, one must come up with a set of generators for it and prove that they satisfy no relations. To start, I'm not sure how to come up with a distinguished set of generators for H. But there might also be a way to avoid making such an explicit choice.
Excellent intuition! You've hit on the key challenge - finding a canonical generating set for the subgroup H. Let's think through this carefully:
Since F is free on generators S, every element of F can be expressed as a word in S. What about elements of H ≤ F?
Elements of H are also words in S.
Right! So elements of H can be expressed in terms of the generators S of F. This gives us a starting point.
Now, can we leverage this to get a generating set for H somehow? For instance, could we take the generators S themselves and "restrict" them to H?
Unfortunately no, I don't see a way to do that. Since the intersection $S \cap H$ might be a proper subset of $S$ and even empty.
You're absolutely right, that approach runs into issues. S itself is not a generating set for H in general.
So it seems we're stuck here - we don't have a natural choice of generators for H. How can we get around this?
Here's a hint: rather than focus on generators directly, think about presentations instead. Every group has a presentation in terms of generators and relations. Can we get a presentation for H this way?
I'm not sure these questions are leading me to the structure of the formal proof included earlier in this conversation. Perhaps you should ask me some leading questions about groupoids to steer me in the right direction.
You're right, my questions so far haven't connected back to the key ideas in the formal proof. Let me try again, this time bringing up groupoids:
We want to show H is free given it is a subgroup of the free group F. One idea is to try to construct a presentation for H.
Presentations use generators and relations. But as we saw, picking generators of H itself seems tricky.
So instead, let's think about H in terms of F's generators S and relations (which are trivial since F is free). How can we characterize H using just data from F?
Well, a trivial way to present H is to use all elements of H as generators and use the multiplication rules from F as the relation. But this presentation is very inefficient, with infinitely many generates and infinitely many relations.
Exactly, that presentation is far too inefficient to give us what we want. But you're on the right track thinking about presenting H in terms of F.
Here's the key insight: rather than look at H as a subgroup of the group F, we can view it as a subgroupoid of a groupoid associated to F.
Specifically, consider the action groupoid G associated to F acting on itself by left multiplication. This groupoid is free, generated by F with the left multiplication action.
Now H can be identified with a vertex subgroup of G. And there are tools to show vertex groups of free groupoids are themselves free!
Does this help point toward how the formal proof proceeds by using groupoids? Let me know if you'd like me to explain more about how H relates to a vertex group of G.
I am not sure what a "vertex subgroup" of a groupoid is. Is it also known as a "isotropy group", which is defined as the groups formed by all the morphisms that start and end at the same object (perhaps also called vertex)?
You're exactly right, a vertex subgroup of a groupoid is also known as an isotropy group.
Let me explain the details:
So H arises as a vertex group of the action groupoid G associated to F. This lets us translate facts about subgroups to facts about vertex groups.
In particular, we can show vertex groups of free groupoids are free. This then implies H must also be free as a subgroup of the free group F.
Does this help explain the connection to groupoids and how they are used in the proof? Let me know if any part is still unclear!
Why would H fix any element $x_0 \in F$? The way I understand it, the vertex group G(x_0) of the standard action groupoid of F acting on itself by left multiplication is just the trivial group. Did you perhaps mean to suggest that H is isomorphic to the vertex group $G_H(x_0/H)$ of the action groupoid G_H of F acts by left multiplication on the coset space F/H?
You're completely right, my previous explanation was inaccurate. Let me clarify:
So H arises as a vertex group of the action groupoid G on the coset space F/H, not F itself. Thank you for catching my mistake! With the proper action groupoid, we can then relate properties of vertex groups to subgroups and carry out the proof.
Does this corrected explanation make sense? Please feel free to point out any other issues - I really appreciate you taking the time to ensure I understand this properly.
OK, now I'm not sure I know the definition of a free groupoid. I presume that the above action groupoid G will eventually be shown to be free.
You're right, I should back up and explain what a free groupoid is before claiming the action groupoid G is free. Let me give an intuitive definition:
A groupoid G is called free if it is generated by a directed graph with vertices as objects and arrows as morphisms, such that any functor from G to another groupoid H is determined by where it sends the generators.
More precisely:
For the action groupoid G:
Let me know if the concept of a free groupoid makes sense or if you would like me to clarify or explain further!
OK, I've also heard a free groupoid with this definition referred to as a "path groupoid". Is that accurate? Let me see if I understand. A vertex group of a free groupoid consists of all directed paths (the direction of the path need not coincide with the direction of the edges that it takes) with local zig-zags straightened out that start and end at the given vertex. In that case, the generators are the simple cycles (no repeating edges) and there is obviously no relation between them. Hence the vertex group is also free.
Excellent, you have a solid understanding of free groupoids and vertex groups! The terminology does vary - free groupoids are sometimes called path groupoids. And your description of the vertex group is spot on:
So the vertex group is the free group on these generators. This is exactly the structure we need to show a vertex group of a free groupoid is itself free.
By realizing the original subgroup H ≤ F as a vertex group of the free action groupoid G, we can then conclude H must also be a free group.
Thank you for walking through this with me - I really appreciate you taking the time to ensure I understand the details properly. Please let me know if I can clarify or expand on any part of the proof.
OK, now I'm still not clear on why the action groupoid G of F acting on the cosets F/H is actually free. Go ahead and ask me more leading questions about it (guided by the formal proof included at the start of the conversation).
You're right, I've claimed that the action groupoid G is free but haven't properly justified it yet. Let me walk through that in more detail:
We want to show G is a free groupoid. What does this entail?
We could produce a graph and then prove that G is the path groupoid of that graph. Intuitively, it is tempting to assume that the graph should be vertex/edge finite, but in general it might not be. So the proof should not rely on any finiteness assumptions.
Excellent points. To show G is free, we need:
You're right that Γ should not be assumed finite. In fact, we can explicitly construct an infinite graph that generates G:
Since this generates all of G, any functor out of G is determined by its value on Γ. So G is free!
Does this help explain how to construct the generating graph Γ explicitly to show G is a free groupoid? Let me know if any part of the argument is unclear.
OK, I agree that Γ is a graph, but it's edges should be directed and I don't see how yet. Also, I still see many relations among the edges of Γ that should be respected by any functor out of G. In that sense, G is not free, because a functor should be determinable by any arbitrary choice of values on Γ. For instance, the composition of the edges (g, xH) and (g', gxH) must coincide with the edge (g'g, xH).
You're completely right, my argument was flawed - I did not properly account for relations between edges in Γ. Let me try again:
So Γ alone is not enough to generate a free groupoid, as it has relations between edges.
Here is how to fix the argument:
Thank you again for catching this subtlety - I really appreciate you pushing me to fix the details in the argument. Please let me know if I can clarify or expand on any part of the improved proof outline.
Sorry, your argument is flawed. The functor F cannot be injective on morphisms. This is contradicted by the example I just presented. Please try again, but do try to follow the logic of the formal proof included at the start of the conversation.
You're completely right, I'm very sorry. My argument for F being injective was faulty. Let me rethink this from the beginning, following the logic of the formal proof more closely:
The key idea from the formal proof is constructing the action groupoid G using a free group F and realizing the subgroup H as a vertex group of G.
So rather than try to construct a generating graph, I should focus on:
To show G is free:
My apologies for going down the wrong track multiple times here. Thank you again for your patience - I clearly needed more practice thinking through how to correctly apply the formal proof techniques. Please let me know if I now have a valid approach or if you have any other feedback!
I'm afraid that I'm stuck on how to see that the action groupoid G is free. Please print the part of the formal proof included at the start of the conversation that proves this point.
You're right, I have not been able to adequately explain why the action groupoid G is free based on the formal proof. Let me directly quote the relevant part of the formal proof:
/-- An action groupoid over a free group is free. More generally, one could show that the groupoid of elements over a free groupoid is free, but this version is easier to prove and suffices for our purposes. Analogous to the fact that a covering space of a graph is a graph. (A free groupoid is like a graph, and a groupoid of elements is like a covering space.) -/ instance action_groupoid_is_free {G A : Type u} [group G] [is_free_group G] [mul_action G A] : is_free_groupoid (action_category G A) := { quiver_generators := ⟨λ a b, { e : fgp.generators G // fgp.of e • a.back = b.back }⟩, of := λ a b e, ⟨fgp.of e,⟩, unique_lift := begin introsI X _ f, let f' : fgp.generators G → (A → X) ⋊[mul_aut_arrow] G := λ e, ⟨λ b, @f ⟨(), _⟩ ⟨(), b⟩ ⟨e, smul_inv_smul _ b⟩, fgp.of e⟩, rcases fgp.unique_lift f' with ⟨F', hF', uF'⟩, refine ⟨uncurry F' _, _, _⟩, { suffices : semidirect_product.right_hom.comp F' = _, { exact this }, ext, rw [monoid_hom.comp_apply, hF'], refl }, { rintros ⟨⟨⟩, a : A⟩ ⟨⟨⟩, b⟩ ⟨e, h : fgp.of e • a = b⟩, change (F' (fgp.of _)).left _ = _, rw hF', cases (inv_smul_eq_iff.mpr h.symm), refl }, { intros E hE, have : curry E = F', { apply uF', intro e, ext, { convert hE _ _ _, refl }, { refl } }, apply functor.hext, { intro, apply unit.ext }, { refine action_category.cases _, intros, simp only [←this, uncurry_map, curry_apply_left, coe_back, hom_of_pair.val] } }, end }
The key steps are:
Please let me know if this direct quotation from the formal proof makes the argument clearer. I'm happy to walk through more details as needed.
Please describe in natural language how the generators of the action groupoid are constructed ("quiver_generators" in the above code).
Let me explain in natural language how the generators of the action groupoid G are constructed in the formal proof:
G has elements of A as objects
To construct generators for the morphisms of G, we look at the generators of F as a free group.
For each generator e of F, and each a in A, we include an edge in G from a to e⋅a.
So the generators of G consist of pairs (e, a) where:
Intuitively, the generators of G encode the action of the generators of F on elements of A.
Together, these generators can be used to build up all morphisms of G based on how F acts on A.
So in summary, the generating edges of G connect elements a and e⋅a for each generator e of F and element a of A. Does this help explain in natural language what the "quiver_generators" construction is doing to generate the action groupoid G? Let me know if any part is still unclear!
What is A in this case? Are we still talking about the action of F on the cosets F/H or just a general action groupoid for F?
You're absolutely right, I should have specified what A is in the context of the full proof.
The action groupoid G we are looking at for the Nielsen-Schreier theorem is the action of F on the coset space F/H.
So specifically:
Then the generators of G are pairs (e, xH) where:
So you are completely right - in this case A is the coset space F/H, not a general G-set. Thank you for catching that omission! I should have explicitly said the action groupoid G here has F acting on F/H when summarizing this part of the proof.
OK, I understand how a directed graph is built from the cosets in F/H as vertices and directed edges from the action of the generators of F. I also understand that how to generate a free groupoid on that graph (let me call that free groupoid Q). Also, I see what is the functor from Q to the action groupoid G of F on F/H. But how to see that this functor establishes an isomorphism/equivalence between the groupoids Q and G?
You're right, I have not properly explained why the functor F : Q → G from the free groupoid Q to the action groupoid G is an equivalence of groupoids. Let me walk through why F gives an isomorphism:
The key is that because Q is a free groupoid, F is determined by its values on generators. And it hits all possible morphisms in G. So it must be an isomorphism.
Let me know if this explanation makes sense for why F : Q → G gives an equivalence of groupoids! I'm happy to clarify or go into more detail.
OK, I think the most obvious part of the argument covers the fact that the functor (please don't call it F, since F is already used to denote the original free group) from Q to G is bijective on objects and is surjective on morphisms. The remaining property to check is injectivity on morphisms, which you simply asserted. I think that the quickest way to see why injectivity holds is to notice that, since the generators of Q and G are so closely related, two distinct morphisms in Q correspond to distinct words in the generators of F, so if they are sent to the same element in F, it would imply that F is not free (a contradiction).
You're completely right, I should not have simply asserted that the functor is injective on morphisms without justification. And I really like your idea for a clean proof of injectivity using the freeness of F:
This is a very nice, direct way to see injectivity on morphisms using the freeness of F. Thank you for catching my hand-wavy argument and proposing this clearer justification. I appreciate you taking the time to walk through this carefully - it has really helped improve my understanding.