Martin Markl's page
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Intrinsic brackets and the L-infinity deformation theory
of bialgebras.
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 5(1)(2010), 177-212
Which homotopy algebras come from transfer?
Coauthor C. Rogers.
PAMS 150(3)(2022), 975-990
The L-infinity deformation complex of diagrams of algebras.
Co-authors Y. Fregier and D. Yau,
New York Journal of Mathematics 15(2009), 353-392
Deformation and the coherence.
Supplem. ai Rend. Circ. Matem. Palermo Ser. II 37(1994), 121-151
Transferring A-infinity (strongly homotopy associative)
Supplem. ai Rend. Circ. Matem. Palermo Ser. II 79(2006), 139-151
Deformation theory
- lecture notes. Co-authors M. Doubek and P. Zima,
Archivum Math. (Brno) 43(5)(2007), 333-371
Calculus of multilinear differential operators, operator
L-infinity algebras and IBL-infinity algebras.
Co-author D. Bashkirov,
Journal of Geometry and Physics 173(2022), paper number 104431
Operadic categories and duoidal Deligne's conjecture.
Co-author M. Batanin,
Advances in Mathematics 285(2015), 1630-1687
Towards one conjecture on collapsing of the Serre spectral
Supplem. ai Rend. Circ. Matem. Palermo,
Ser. II, 22(1989), 151-159
Operads, operadic categories and the blob complex.
Co-author M. Batanin.
Applied Categorical Structures 32:6, 2024.
Strong minimal model theorem; transfers as discrete bifibrations
Deformations of varieties of structure constants (ancient)
Deformations of algebras and their diagrams
- pdf of transparencies
Disconnected rational homotopy theory
- pdf of transparencies. Jointly with A. Lazarev.
Distributive laws between Three Graces
- pdf of transparencies. Jointly with M. Bremner.
Operadic categories
- pdf of transparencies
Higher structures and operads - why?
- pdf of transparencies
Operads and the blob complex
- pdf of transparencies