
This section contains some less formal information and various links connected somehow to me.

non-professional interests


When I have some free time, I love to travel somewhere. I have been very lucky that I have had the opportunity to visit several "exotic" countries as well as various countries around Europe. A few photos of different landscapes are shown bellow. There is a lot of information and photogalleries on, a travelling site established by my friend.
View of Grand Canyon (2009) Rice fields in central Sulawesi (2007) Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone NP (2009)


Fulfilling my child dream, I obtained the licence for SCUBA diving several years ago. My current qualification is CMAS** diver. I have done most of my dives with my father as a reliable buddy. Sometimes, we try to take photos when diving. My favourites are shown below, more can be found, again, at
Lembeh Strait (2007) Lembeh Strait (2007) Kadidiri, Togean Islands (2007)


I like to move in general, but my favourites are road cycling, hiking and playing tennis, basketball and squash.


To be honest, since the birth of our daughter Anežka, my family has become my true hobby no.1 ;-)
Anežka, born 2007 (March 2011)
photo Fly's Studio
Radim, born 2010 (March 2011)
photo Fly's Studio