My research concerns the mathematical aspects of classical and
quantum field theory, with a particular emphasis on gravity (general
relativity). On the physics side, I am interested in the formulation of
quantum gravity as a field theory, focusing on the problems of causality
and observables in quantum gravity. I am also interested in various
mathematical topics that play a role in my work, including the
following: geometry of PDEs, jet bundles, conservation laws, symmetries,
symplectic and Poisson geometry, homological algebra, supergeometry,
infinite dimensional analysis, synthetic differential geometry, category
I am a co-organizer of the Prague-Hradec Králové seminar on Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics
recorded lectures).
In 2017, I have helped organize the mini-symposium QFT
Day in Milan: mathematical aspects of renormalization (poster PDF, SVG).
In 2014–2015, I had helped organize the Mathematical Physics Seminar in Trento.
During 2016–2019 it was reprised here here.
Last updated: 14 Oct 2024
Curriculum Vitae
Full CV as a PDF file.
Docent (Geometry & Analysis) Czech Republic
II Fascia – 01/A4, MAT/07 (Fisica Matematica) Italy
MCF25 (Mathématiques Pures) France
Staff Researcher:
Department of Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Acadey of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic).
Researcher at the Department of
Mathematics, University of Milan (Statale).
Researcher at the Department of
Mathematics, University of Rome 2 (Tor Vergata).
Researcher at the Department of
Mathematics, University of Trento.
Researcher at the Institute
for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, in the former Quantum
Gravity group of Dr. Renate
Loll. Funding: NSERC PDF, NWO VENI fellowship.
Degree in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics from The University of Western Ontario,
under the supervision of Dr. J. Daniel
Chirstensen. Title: Computer simulation of spin foam models of
quantum gravity
Degree in Theoretical Physics from The University of Toronto,
under the supervision of Dr. Hae-Young
Kee. Title: Formation of electronic nematic phase in interacting systems
Degree in Theoretical Physics from Concordia University, Montreal.
Essentially all of my papers are available from the
arXiv preprint server.
Preprints and in preparation
IDEAL characterization of vacuum pp-waves
I. Khavkine, D. McNutt, L. Wylleman (2024)
The K-distribution of random graph C∗-algebras
B. Jacelon, I. Khavkine (2023)
Synthetic geometry of differential equations: I. Jets and comonad structure
I. Khavkine, U. Schreiber (2017)
[arXiv, nLab]
A polynomial action for gravity with matter, gauge-fixing and ghosts
I. Khavkine (2015)
Characteristics, Conal Geometry and Causality in Locally Covariant Field Theory
I. Khavkine
(2012) [arXiv]
Closed conformal Killing-Yano Initial Data
A. García-Parrado, I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 39 105002 (2022)
On well-posedness and algebraic type of the five-dimensional charged rotating black hole with two equal-magnitude angular momenta
M.B. Fröb, I. Khavkine, T. Málek, V. Pravda
Eur Phys J C 82 215 (2022)
Explicit triangular decoupling of the separated Lichnerowicz tensor wave equation on Schwarzschild into scalar Regge-Wheeler equations
I. Khavkine
SIGMA 18 011 (2022)
Compatibility complex for black hole spacetimes
S. Aksteiner, L. Andersson, T. Bäckdahl, I. Khavkine, B. Whiting
Commun Math Phys 384 1585 (2021)
Reducing triangular systems of ODEs with rational coefficients, with applications to coupled Regge-Wheeler equations
I. Khavkine
Diff Geom Appl 70 101632 (2020)
Conformal Killing Initial Data
A. García-Parrado, I. Khavkine
J Math Phys 60 122502 (2019)
Compatibility complexes of overdetermined PDEs of finite type, with applications to the Killing equation
I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 36 185012 (2019)
IDEAL characterization of higher dimensional spherically symmetric black holes
I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 36 045001 (2019)
On Wick polynomials of boson fields in locally covariant algebraic QFT
I. Khavkine, A. Melati, V. Moretti
Ann H Poincaré 20 929 (2019)
Approaches to linear local gauge-invariant observables in inflationary cosmologies
M.B. Fröb, T.-P. Hack, I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 35 115002 (2018)
Explicit triangular decoupling of the separated vector wave equation on
Schwarzschild into scalar Regge-Wheeler equations
I. Khavkine
J Phys: Conf Ser 986 012006 (2018)
IDEAL characterization of isometry classes of FLRW and inflationary spacetimes
G. Canepa, C. Dappiaggi, I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 35 035013 (2018)
Ground state for a massive scalar field in BTZ spacetime with Robin boundary conditions
F. Bussola, C. Dappiaggi, H.R.C. Ferreira, I. Khavkine
Phys Rev D 96 105016 (2017)
The Calabi complex and Killing sheaf cohomology
I. Khavkine
J Geom Phys 113 131 (2017)
Cohomology with causally restricted supports
I. Khavkine
Ann H Poincaré 17 3577 (2016)
Analytic dependence is an unnecessary requirement in
renormalization of locally covariant QFT
I. Khavkine, V. Moretti
Commun Math Phys 344 581 (2016)
Local and gauge invariant observables in gravity
I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 32 185019 (2015)
[slides, arXiv, doi]
Recurrence relation for the 6j-symbol of suq(2) as a symmetric eigenvalue problem
I. Khavkine
Int J Geom Methods Mod Phys 12 1550117 (2015)
[arXiv, doi]
Algebraic QFT in curved spacetime and quasifree Hadamard states: an introduction
I. Khavkine, V. Moretti
Book chapter in Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, R. Brunetti, C. Dappiaggi, K. Fredenhagen, J. Yngvason (eds.) (Springer, 2015)
[arXiv, doi]
Topology, rigid cosymmetries and linearization instability in higher gauge theories
I. Khavkine
Ann H Poincaré 16 255 (2015)
[arXiv, doi]
Covariant phase space, constraints, gauge and the Peierls formula
I. Khavkine
Int J Mod Phys A 29 1430009 (2014)
[arXiv, doi]
Quantum astrometric observables II: time delay in linearized quantum gravity
B. Bonga, I. Khavkine
Phys Rev D 89 024039 (2014)
[arXiv, doi]
Presymplectic current and the inverse problem of the calculus of variations
I. Khavkine
J Math Phys 54 111502 (2013)
[arXiv, doi]
Quantum astrometric observables I: time delay in classical and quantum gravity
I. Khavkine
Phys Rev D 85 124014 (2012)
[arXiv, doi]
Comment on `Hawking radiation from fluctuating black holes'
I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 28 038001 (2011)
[arXiv, doi]
Coupling a Point-Like Mass to Quantum Gravity with Causal Dynamical Triangulations
I. Khavkine, R. Loll, P. Reska
Class Quant Grav 27 185025 (2010)
[arXiv, doi]
Sub-leading asymptotic behaviour of area correlations in the Barrett-Crane model
J.D. Christensen, I. Khavkine, E.R. Livine, S. Speziale
Class Quant Grav 27 035012 (2010)
[arXiv, doi]
Evaluation of new spin foam vertex amplitudes
I. Khavkine
Class Quant Grav 26 125012 (2009)
[arXiv, doi]
Dual Computations of Non-abelian Yang-Mills on the Lattice
J.W. Cherrington, J.D. Christensen, I. Khavkine
Phys Rev D 76 094503 (2007)
[arXiv, doi]
q-Deformed spin foam models of quantum gravity
I. Khavkine, J.D. Christensen
Class Quant Grav 24 3271 (2007)
[arXiv, doi]
Supercurrent in Nodal Superconductors
I. Khavkine, H.-Y. Kee, K. Maki
Phys Rev B 70 184521 (2004)
[arXiv, doi]
Formation of Electronic Nematic Phase in Interacting Systems
I. Khavkine, C.-H. Chung, V. Oganesyan, H.-Y. Kee
Phys Rev B 70 155110 (2004)
[arXiv, doi]
Strong-field molecular alignment for quantum logic and quantum control
E.A. Shapiro, I. Khavkine, M. Spanner, and M.Yu. Ivanov
Phys Rev A 67 013406 (2003)