Selected recent publications


Some of my recent preprints may be found on the preprints page of the Institute of Mathematics, on the preprints page of the Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling, or on arXiv.

Please, email me if you are interested in preprints or author's copies of my publications.

Journal papers

[28] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Two complementary eigen-based geometric properties of a vortex. Physics of Fluids, 36(11):111703, 2024. [final paper] [accepted version]
[27] E. Febrianto, J. Šístek, P. Kůs, M. Kecman, and F. Cirak. A three-grid high-order immersed finite element method for the analysis of CAD models. Computer-Aided Design, 173:103730, 2024. [open access paper]
[26] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Orbitally compact and loose vortex regions. Physics of Fluids (Featured article), 35(12):121708, 2023. [final paper] [accepted version]
[25] J. Šístek and T. Oberhuber. Acceleration of a parallel BDDC solver by using graphics processing units on subdomains. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,, 37(2):151–164, 2023. [paper] [preprint]
[24] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Disappearing vortex problem in vortex identification: Non-existence for selected criteria. Physics of Fluids, 34(7):071704, 2022. [final paper] [accepted version]
[23] J. Solovský, R. Fučík, and J. Šístek. BDDC for MHFEM discretization of unsteady two-phase flow in porous media. Computer Physics Communications, 271:108199, 2022. [paper]
[22] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, and P. Burda. Multilevel BDDC for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42(6):C359--C383, 2020. [open access paper]
[21] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Consequences of the close relation between Rortex and swirling strength. Physics of Fluids, 32(9):091702, 2020. [open access paper]
[20] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Stretching response of Rortex and other vortex-identification schemes. AIP Advances, 9, 2019. Article ID 105025. [open access paper]
[19] J. Dongarra, M. Gates, A. Haidar, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, P. Wu, I. Yamazaki, A. YarKhan, M. Abalenkovs, N. Bagherpour, S. Hammarling, J. Šístek, D. Stevens, M. Zounon, and S.D. Relton. PLASMA: Parallel linear algebra software for multicore using OpenMP. ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 45(2):16:1-16:35, 2019. [open access paper]
[18] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Vortex and the balance between vorticity and strain rate. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019. Article ID 1321480. [open access paper]
[17] J. Šístek and V. Kolář. Average contra-rotation and co-rotation of line segments for flow field analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 822(1):012070, 2017. [open access paper]
[16] P. Kůs and J. Šístek. Coupling parallel adaptive mesh refinement with a nonoverlapping domain decomposition solver. Adv. Eng. Softw., 110:34--54, 2017. [paper] [preprint]
[15] J. Šístek, J. Březina, and B. Sousedík. BDDC for mixed-hybrid formulation of flow in porous media with combined mesh dimensions. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 22(6):903-929, 2015. [paper] [preprint 2] [preprint 1]
[14] J. Šístek and F. Cirak. Parallel iterative solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with application to rotating wings. Comput. & Fluids, 122:165-183, 2015. [open access paper]
[13] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Corotational and compressibility aspects leading to a modification of the vortex-identification Q-criterion. AIAA Journal, 53(8):2406-2410, 2015. [paper]
[12] V. Kolář, J. Šístek, F. Cirak, and P. Moses. Average corotation of line segments near a point and vortex identification. AIAA Journal, 51(11):2678-2694, 2013. [paper] [preprint 2] [preprint 1]
[11] B. Sousedík, J. Šístek, and J. Mandel. Adaptive-Multilevel BDDC and its parallel implementation. Computing, 95(12):1087-1119, 2013. [paper] [preprint]
[10] J. Šístek, M. Čertíková, P. Burda, and J. Novotný. Face-based selection of corners in 3D substructuring. Math. Comput. Simulation, 82(10):1799-1811, 2012. [paper] [preprint]
[9] J. Mandel, B. Sousedík, and J. Šístek. Adaptive BDDC in three dimensions. Math. Comput. Simulation, 82(10):1812-1831, 2012. [paper] [preprint]
[8] J. Šístek, B. Sousedík, P. Burda, J. Mandel, and J. Novotný. Application of the parallel BDDC preconditioner to the Stokes flow. Comput. & Fluids, 46:429-435, 2011. [paper] [preprint]
[7] J. Hájek, A. Szöllös, and J. Šístek. A new mechanism for maintaining diversity of Pareto archive in multi-objective optimization. Adv. Eng. Softw., 41(7-8):1031-1057, 2010. [paper] [preprint]
[6] J. Šístek, J. Novotný, J. Mandel, M. Čertíková, and Burda, P. BDDC by a frontal solver and stress computation in a hip joint replacement. Math. Comput. Simulation, 80(6):1310-1323, 2010. [paper] [preprint]
[5] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Accuracy of semiGLS stabilization of FEM for solving Navier-Stokes equations and a posteriori error estimates. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 56(8):1167-1173, 2008. [paper]
[4] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Numerical solution of flow problems by stabilized finite element method and verification of its accuracy using a posteriori error estimates. Math. Comp. Simul., 76(1-3):28-33, 2007. [paper]
[3] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Finite element solution of Navier-Stokes equations adapted to a priori error estimates. WSEAS Trans. Math., 5(1):188-195, 2006.
[2] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. On a modification of GLS stabilized FEM for solving incompressible viscous flows. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 51(9-10):1001-1016, 2006. [paper]
[1] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Precise FEM solution of a corner singularity using an adjusted mesh. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 47(10-11):1285-1292, 2005. [paper]

Conference proceedings

[23] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, and M. Brandner. Reynolds-blended weights for BDDC in applications to incompressible flows. In Z. Dostál, T. Kozubek, A. Klawonn, U. Langer, L. F. Pavarino, J. Šístek, and O. B. Widlund, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 263-270. Springer Cham, 2024. [paper]
[22] M. Hanek and J. Šístek. Application of Multilevel BDDC to the problem of pressure in simulations of incompressible flow. In S. C. Brenner, E. T. S. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, and J. Zou, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 299-305. Springer Cham, 2023. [paper]
[21] Václav Kolář and Jakub Šístek. On the local axisymmetry of a vortex. In L. Venkatakrishnan, Sekhar Majumdar, Ganesh Subramanian, G. S. Bhat, Ratul Dasgupta, and Jaywant Arakeri, editors, Proceedings of 16th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pages 175-183. Springer Singapore, 2021. [paper]
[20] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, P. Burda, and E. Stach. Parallel domain decomposition solver for flows in hydrostatic bearings. In D. Šimurda and T. Bodnár, editors, Proceedings of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, February 21--23, 2018, pages 137-144. Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2018. [paper]
[19] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, and P. Burda. The effect of irregular interfaces on the BDDC method for the Navier-Stokes equations. In C.-O. Lee, X.-C. Cai, D.E. Keyes, H.H. Kim, A. Klawonn, E.-J. Park, and O.B. Widlund, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIII, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 171-178. Springer, 2017. [paper]
[18] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, and P. Burda. Application of the BDDC method to incompressible flows in hydrostatic bearings. In Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD9), Istanbul, Turkey, July 11-15, 2016, paper ICCFD9-2016-140. 2016. [paper]
[17] J. Šístek. A parallel finite element solver for unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In David Šimurda and Tomáš Bodnár, editors, Proceedings of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, February 11-13, 2015, pages 193-198. Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2015. [paper]
[16] M. Čertíková, J. Šístek, and P. Burda. Different approaches to interface weights in the BDDC method in 3D. In J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors, Proceedings of Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17, Dolní Maxov, Czech Republic, June 8-13, 2014, pages 47-57. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2015. [paper]
[15] M. Hanek, J. Šístek, and P. Burda. An application of the BDDC method to the Navier-Stokes equations in 3-D cavity. In J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors, Proceedings of Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17, Dolní Maxov, Czech Republic, June 8-13, 2014, pages 77-85. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2015. [paper]
[14] V. Kolář and J. Šístek. Recent progress in explicit shear-eliminating vortex identification. In H. Chowdhury and F. Alam, editors, Proceedings of 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 8-11, 2014. RMIT University, 2014. Article no. 274. [paper]
[13] J. Šístek, J. Mandel, B. Sousedík, and P. Burda. Parallel implementation of Multilevel BDDC. In A. Cangiani et al., eds., Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011, pages 681-689. Springer, 2013. [paper] [preprint]
[12] J. Šístek, V. Kolář, F. Cirak, and P. Moses. Fluid-structure interaction and vortex identification. In P.A. Brandner and B.W. Pearce, eds., Proceedings of the Eighteenth AUSTRALASIAN FLUID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, pages 125-128. Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, 2012.
[11] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Analytical solution of Stokes flow near corners and applications to numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations with high precision. In J. Brandts, J. Chleboun, S. Korotov, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, eds., Proceedings of Applications of Mathematics 2012, pages 43-54. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2012. [paper]
[10] M. Čertíková, P. Burda, and J. Šístek. Numerical comparison of different choices of interface weights in the BDDC method. In J. Brandts, J. Chleboun, S. Korotov, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, eds., Proceedings of Applications of Mathematics 2012, pages 55-61. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2012. [paper]
[9] J. Šístek, J. Mandel, and B. Sousedík. Some practical aspects of parallel adaptive BDDC method. In J. Brandts, J. Chleboun, S. Korotov, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, eds., Proceedings of Applications of Mathematics 2012, pages 253-266. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2012. [paper]
[8] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Singularities in lid driven cavity solved by adjusted finite element method. In A. Kuzmin, editor, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010, Proceedings of 6th ICCFD Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 12-16, 2010, pages 799-805. Springer, 2011.
[7] V. Kolář, P. Moses, and J. Šístek. Triple Decomposition Method for Vortex Identification in Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Flows. In A. Kuzmin, editor, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010, Proceedings of 6th ICCFD Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 12-16, 2010, pages 225-231. Springer, 2011.
[6] J. Šístek, P. Burda, Jan Mandel, J. Novotný, and B. Sousedík. A parallel implementation of the BDDC for the Stokes flow. In A. Kuzmin, editor, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010, Proceedings of 6th ICCFD Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 12-16, 2010, pages 806-812. Sp Na Salomonu: ringer, 2011.
[5] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Accuracy Analysis Based on A Posteriori Error Estimates of SemiGLS Stabilization of FEM for Solving Navier-Stokes Equations. In H. Choi, H.G. Choi, and J.Y. Yoo, editors, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008, Proceedings of 5th ICCFD Conference, Seoul, South Korea, July 7-11, 2008, pages 315-320. Springer, 2009.
[4] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Semi-GLS stabilization of FEM applied to incompressible flows with higher Reynolds numbers. In H. Deconinck and E. Dick, editors, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006, Proceedings of 4th ICCFD Conference, Ghent, Belgium, July 10-14, 2006, pages 203-208. Springer, 2009.
[3] J. Šístek, P. Burda, A. Damašek, J. Mandel, J. Novotný, and B. Sousedík. On a parallel implementation of the BDDC method and its application to the Stokes problem. In Biswas, Rupak, editor, Abstracts of 21st International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, pages 183-187. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, USA, 2009.
[2] P. Burda, J. Novotný, B. Sousedík, and J. Šístek. Finite element mesh adjusted to singularities applied to axisymmetric and plane flow. In Feistauer, M. and et al., editor, Proceedings of Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2003, Praha, Czech Republic, August 18-22, pages 186-195. Springer, Berlin, 2004.
[1] P. Burda, J. Novotný, and J. Šístek. Accurate solution of corner singularities in axisymmetric and plane flows using adjusted mesh of finite elements. In Proceedings of 3rd ICCFD Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 12-16. Springer, 2004.

Edited books of proceedings

[14] Z. Dostál, T. Kozubek, A. Klawonn, U. Langer, L. F. Pavarino, J. Šístek, and O. B. Widlund, editors. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer Cham, 2024. [proceedings]
[13] J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, J. Papež, M. Rozložník, K. Segeth, and J. Šístek, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2023. [proceedings]
[12] J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, P. Přikryl, M. Rozložník, K. Segeth, and J. Šístek, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 20, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2021. [proceedings]
[11] T. Kozubek, P. Arbenz, J. Jaroš, L. Říha, J. Šístek, and P. Tichý, editors. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference HPCSE 2019, Karolinka, Czech Republic, May 20-23, 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2021. [proceedings]
[10] J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, P. Přikryl, M. Rozložník, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 19, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2019. [proceedings]
[9] T. Kozubek, M. Čermák, P. Tichý, R. Blaheta, J. Šístek, D. Lukáš, and J. Jaroš, editors. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Third International Conference HPCSE 2017, Karolinka, Czech Republic, May 22-25, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2018. [proceedings]
[8] J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2017. [proceedings]
[7] T. Kozubek, R. Blaheta, J. Šístek, M. Rozložník, and M. Čermák, editors. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Second International Conference HPCSE 2015, Soláň, Czech Republic, May 25-28, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2016. [proceedings]
[6] J. Brandts, S. Korotov, M. Křížek, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference Applications of Mathematics 2015, in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Ivo Babuška, (90), Milan Práger (85), and Emil Vitásek (85), Prague, 2015. Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences. [proceedings]
[5] J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17, Prague, 2015. Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences. [proceedings]
[4] J. Brandts, S. Korotov, M. Křížek, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference Applications of Mathematics 2013, in honor of the 70th birthday of Karel Segeth, Prague, 2013. Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. [proceedings]
[3] J. Chleboun, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16, Prague, 2013. Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. [proceedings]
[2] J. Brandts, J. Chleboun, S. Korotov, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, and T. Vejchodský, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference Applications of Mathematics 2012, in honor of the 60th birthday of Michal Křížek, Prague, 2012. Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. [proceedings]
[1] T. Vejchodský, J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, and J. Šístek, editors. Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 15, Prague, 2010. Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. [proceedings]


[2] J. Šístek. The finite element method in fluids: stabilization and domain decomposition, 2008. Ph.D. thesis. [ .pdf ]
[1] J. Šístek. Stabilization of finite element method for solving incompressible viscous flows, 2004. Master thesis. [ .pdf ]

Publication databases

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